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Reasons Why Your Placenta Cannot Be Encapsulated

Unfortunately not all placentas can be encapsulated or prepared for consumption, reasons for this include:

Maternal Infections If a uterine infection is obvious, the placenta is unsuitable for consumption.

Mothers who develop fevers in labour may or may not have developed infection. Be aware that epidurals can cause fever. To rule out infection a pathology department may be willing to sample a small piece of the placenta leaving the rest un-dissected to culture and release the rest to the mother if an infection is not present.

Newborn Infections If the baby is born with a fever or develops a fever within 48 hours of birth, assume infection and the placenta should not be consumed. If capsules have been returned to the client they should be discontinued.

Placental Infections

Infection of the placenta or amniotic membranes during labour. If there is foul smelling discharge amniotic fluid present during labour and/or childbirth, this is another good reason to suspect infection. No one wants to consume infected placenta capsules!

Placental Abnormalities

There may be instances where anomalies or abnormalities require the hospital to take the entire placenta, and it will not be made available to you.

Maternal Exposure to Drugs, Alcohol or Smoking

The placenta is a barrier, and filters some things in and out, both to and from the baby. However, if a birthing parent is consistently exposed to drugs and/or alcohol during pregnancy, it is safe to assume the placenta is dense with the toxins that come from these things. In this case, placenta encapsulation and consumption would be contraindicated and cannot be done. Smoking is another indication not to consume your placenta. Smoking during pregnancy increases the concentration of cadmium in the placental tissue thus also poses a risk in the case of ingestion.

My aim is to provide all information to you so you can make your best informed decision. If you are a smoker, and still want to have your placenta encapsulated, I will do so. knowing that you are informed of all evidence and associated risks.

Blood Borne Infections and/or Active Infections

Active infections that may be reacquired, including but not limited to MRSA, Hep B, Hep C, HIV, Lyme Disease, C-Diff, Syphilis, Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, COVID 19.

Improper Care and Handling Post Birth

Once your placenta has been delivered proper care and handling is important. The placenta is to be consumed, and therefore is treated like a food product. Like raw meat it will spoil if it is improperly handled, or is left unrefrigerated for too long. Once your placenta is birthed and after the midwife examination, the placenta will need to be double bagged. It then needs to be placed in your clearly labelled, sealed cooler, with the pre frozen ice blocks WITHIN 1-2 HOURS OF BIRTH. The staff at the hospital will bag it for you. Your placenta must be refrigerated as soon as possible or within 4 hours following birth and should be stored in its container in your cooler, until you contact me for pickup or deliver it to me.



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