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Blood Borne Pathogens and the Encapsulation Process

For my own protection and the continued well-being of you, the client, it is important that I am aware of your health status prior to handling your placenta. In my contract, I will ask if you have any health concerns/issues.

For herpes, group b strep, and most STI's there is very little risk of infection unless there is sexual contact. HIV, Hepatitis B & Hepatitis C may be transferred by contact with infected blood or body fluids.

Placenta Specialists are at heightened risk of some infections since the encapsulation process involves blood and body fluids. Accidental skin puncture or splash can occur while performing the work. Universal precautions are used for every placenta from every client. We should assume that all placentas are infected with blood borne pathogens, this assumption will help keep me safe as well as keep you safe.

Encapsulation is still a viable option in some cases of special circumstances Hepatitis B & C Hep B and Hep C are highly contagious. Please be aware that the most common way to contract Hepatitis is through contact with contaminated blood including via eye splashes, which can happen with placentas. Hep B is 100 times more contagious than HIV. The CDC states that “The Hepatitis C virus can survive outside the body at room temperature, on environmental surfaces, for up to 3 weeks.”. Both Hep B & Hep C are thought to be destroyed if cooked to a high heat but it is unclear whether the placenta would be heated enough. Hep B and C are destroyed by bleach. Hep C and B are contraindications to the encapsulation process and your placenta cannot be prepared.

Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) HPV is passed on through genital or oral contact, most often during vaginal, oral, and anal sex. It is a common virus that is present in up to 80% of the population. HPV is not a contraindication for placenta encapsulation.

Herpes Most moms with Herpes, will not deliver vaginally if they have an outbreak at the time of birth and will deliver via caesarean. Herpes is a very fragile virus and cannot survive for long on surfaces.

At APPA professional autonomy is very important. We feel the best decisions are made when you, the client, provide me with complete information.

The following are all appropriate options for clients with known blood borne pathogens:

  • Refusal of services

  • Purchase client specific equipment

  • Use your dedicated placenta preparation equipment and follow universal precautions

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